So, you're going to take a course in mythology...

What is mythology anyway, and why is it important, other than the fact that it gives you 3 credits and words toward your Gordon Rule? Whether you know it or not, mythology is a part of your culture, of your way of thinking. Mythology is the stories that have come down to us from cultures in the past. They are stories that tell us about who we are as human beings, how we view the world, and how our mental world operates. Mythology is the famework on which human beings set up camp and live.

And, of course, myth is interesting and cool. This course is a little course -- we don't have time to even touch the massive scope of mythology around the world. Therefore, we're going to limit ourselves to myths that have really impacted our culture here in the western world - the stories that are still getting retold in some form. Before we get into the specifics of myth and culture, however, we need to look at the bigger picture. One of the most interesting things about myth is that it has elements that are the same everywhere you go, every culture you visit.

Here in your first class, we need to pause to define myth, and its relatives - religions, superstitions, legends, folk tales, fairy tales, and urban legends.



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